Videos tagged with Scott L. Silliman

  • The 2015 LENS Conference, Law in the Age of 'Forever War', focuses on the legal issues that accompany warfare in a time when technology, relationships between nations, and the abilities of non-state actors to affect the international stage, are all changing rapidly. Speakers address some of the difficult issues that have come to define modern law as it relates to warfare: targeting, surveillance, home-grown terrorism, intelligence gathering in the digital age, ensuring human rights and civil liberties.

  • The federal judiciary plays an important role in shaping and answering emerging questions about national security law. This panel, moderated by LENS Director Emeritus Scott Silliman, a deputy chief judge in the U.S. Court of Military Commission Review, features three federal judges discussing the difficult national security issues heard in courts like theirs.

  • Prof. Scott L. Silliman is a Professor of the Practice of Law at Duke Law School and also holds an appointment as an adjunct professor of law at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition, he served as Executive Director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security from its inception in 1993 until July of 2011, and now serves as its Director Emeritus. On November 10, 2011, President Obama nominated Professor Silliman to be a federal appellate judge on the United States Court of Military Commission Review, and the Senate confirmed him on June 21, 2012.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on airport security. A question and answer session followed the panel presentations.

    Recorded on April 15, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman (Duke University Law School), chair ; Paul Rosenzweig (Principal, Red Branch Consulting), Jim Harper (Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute), and Kenneth S. Kasprisin (Transportation Security Administration), panelists.

  • LENS Conference 2010: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration | Prosecuting Alleged Terrorists in Federal District Courts and Military Commissions

    Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Conference title: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2010)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, chair ; Deborah Pearlstein, Mary V. Perry, and Michael F. Noone, panelists.

  • Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.
    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, opening remarks ; David H. Schanzer, chair ; Daniel Kimmage, Charles Kurzman, Robert Leiken, panelists.

  • A symposium addressing current and future developments regarding the detention and trial of persons suspected of terror-related activity; targeting suspected militants and non-state actors and the use of force; and comparative trends in related legal developments.

    Recorded on January 22, 2010.

    Panel titled: Targeting/Use of Force.

    Conference title: War Bound by Law: Non-State Actors & the Law of Armed Conflict in the 21st Century (Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law Symposium (2010))

  • Recorded on April 17, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Sillman, chair ; John D. Altenburg, Jr, Jonathan Hafetz, CDR Glenn M. Sulmasy, speakers.

  • Jonathan Hafetz, a staff attorney with the New York Office of the ACLU National Security Project, joins Professor Scott Silliman to discuss the implications of the Boumediene v. Bush decision in which the Supreme Court held that detainees at Guantanamo have the right to challenge their detentions in federal court. Co-sponsored by the ACLU, ACS, the Federalist Society, and the National Security Law Society.

    Recorded on October 01, 2008.

  • Panel 5 of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, chair ; John Radsan, Aziz Huq, Michael F. Scheuer, and Mark Mazzetti, panelists.

  • Opening comments and Panel I of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Opening remarks. Scott L. Silliman, speaker ; Panel 1. Christopher H. Schroeder, chair ; Nadia Naviwala, Scott Horton, Stephen Hedger and David Hammond, panelists.

  • Join Judge Sentelle, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, for an engaging discussion of extraordinary rendition in the War on Terror.

    Co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on March 28, 2008.

    Lecture titled: Bring 'Em Back Alive: Extraordinary Rendition in the War on Terror.

    Appearing: Scott Silliman (Duke University School of Law), introduer; David Sentelle (U.S. Court of Appeals), speaker.

  • Introduction by Scot Silliman. Professor Robert Turner, Associate Director of the Center for National Security Law at UVA Law, discusses the constitutionality of FISA.

    Recorded on February 13, 2008.

    Lecture titled: The Constitutionality of FISA.

    Appearing: Scott Silliman (Duke University School of Law), introducer; Robert Turner (University of Virginia School of Law), speaker.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on military commissions.

    Recorded on April 13, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman (Duke University School of Law), moderator ; John D. Altenburg, Jr., MAJ GEN, US Army (Ret), Dwight H. Sullivan, Colonel, USMC, Morris D. Davis, Colonel, USAF and Richard Rosen (Texas Tech University School of Law), panelists.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on Islam and radicalization in the Muslim world.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Opening comments. Scott L Silliman -- Panel 1. Bruce Lawrence, moderator ; miriam cooke (Duke University), Abdeslam E.M. Maghraoui (United States Institute of Peace), Engseng Ho (Harvard University), and Charles Kurzman (University of North Carolina), panelists.

  • Professors Siliman, Chemerinsky, and Morris discuss the Supreme Court's recent decision and the President's response.

    Recorded on September 07, 2006.

  • The Program in Public Law presents Constitution Day: The Constitution and the War on Terror, a panel discussion.

    Recorded on September 18, 2006.

    Full title: Constitution Day: The Constitution & the War on Terror.

    Appearing: Chris Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), Jeff Powell (Duke University School of Law), Scott Silliman (Duke University School of Law), panelists.

  • Professor Scott Silliman will be outlining the current legal and policy issues in the ongoing War Against Terrorism.

  • Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott Silliman, Christopher Schroeder, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott Silliman, chair ; Scott W. Stucky, Jarisse J. Sanborn, Joseph K. Sikes, and William L. Nash, speakers.

  • Comments on the new role of these private firms in American endeavors, paying particular attention to implications for the laws of war, human rights and contemporary concerns about abuses.

    Recorded on January 23, 2006.

    Panel titled: Private Military Contractors & the Law of War.

  • Participants are Scott Silliman, Professor of the Practice of Law and Executive Director of the Center for Law, Ethics and National Security; Bruce Jentleson, Professor of Public Policy Studies and Middle East foreign policy expert, Curtis Bradley, Richard and Marcy Horvitz Professor of Law and Associate Director of the Program in Public Law, and Chris Schroeder, Charles S. Murphy Professor of Law and Director of the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on September 28, 2005.

    Lecture titled: The Global War on Terrorism: Taking Stock.

  • The Duke Center for Law, Ethics, and National Security and Duke Law School's Program in Public Law, in conjunction with several other departments and organizations in or affiliated with Duke University, sponsors a major conference entitled "Strategies for the War on Terrorism: Taking Stock." Panel 5: Military Commissions Featuring Scott Silliman, Louis Fisher, John D. Altenburg, Jr., Toni Locy, and David B. Rivkin, Jr.

    Recorded on April 08, 2005.

    Panel titled: Military Commissions.

  • Introduction by Scott Silliman. Colonel Will A. Gunn, USAF, chief defense counsel for the Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions, talks about the task ahead. An International Week event sponsored by LENS, the Program in Public Law, and the Office of Student Affairs.

    Recorded on October 21, 2004.

  • Recorded on September 17, 2004.

    Part of the conference: Interrogation, Detention and the Powers of the Executive.

    Appearing: Neil Kinkopf, moderator ; Carlos Vazquez, Christopher Schroeder and Scott Silliman, panelists.